Monday, July 11, 2011

are we there yet?

So sometimes I wonder why I need to use a treadmill.

Why can't I go run in the great outdoors?

Well, today I was reminded.

My husband works part time and goes to school full time. He leaves in the morning at 6:30am and comes home in the evening at 6:45pm. Then it's dinner, spending time with the kids, getting the kids to bed, doing homework until we fall asleep somewhere between midnight and 1am. (Did I mention I'm going to school, too? Oh, well, I am!)

Friday and Saturday mornings are bliss for me. I wake up, smile at the hubs and whatever kids have crawled into our bed in the middle of the night, and run my little heart out--alone.

But two days a week is not enough running for this newly-addicted Chiquita.

So, what about the rest of the week?

Well, back to today.

It's summer in the Wasatch. There's a slight breeze and some mildly-threatening clouds: it's beautiful weather to run in. I have a double jogging stroller and my two oldest can keep up on their scooters.

However, it's no picnic.

Pushing a stroller while running takes a lot more effort than running by your lil ol' self. That's good, right?

Except every 3 seconds having to tell the littler kids to get their hands away from the wheels and answer the never-ending "Are we there yet?" and "How much longer?" questions my older kidlets throw at me.

Finding my groove is a lost cause, and--while it's still an "okay" workout--I haven't really enjoyed myself.

So, tomorrow I hit the gym. It's win-win, really. The kids play, I run, then we are reunited happy and ready to spend the rest of the day together.

Tomorrow can't come fast enough.

Are we there yet?


  1. Can I just say, I love the way you write. Always love reading you and I look forward to more on this one. I was jamming out to JT until I realized that my coworker was looking at me quizzically from his computer and realized that "Sexy Back" might not be the best soundtrack for work.... OH WELL! :) Love you!

  2. I hear ya. I'm busting out the alarm clock this week. Good morning 5am. To meet my goal, it's the only way with our schedule. Treadmill would be ideal! Crossing fingers for on to magically appear on your doorstep.
