Friday, August 19, 2011


They call me Blunt... James Blunt...

Dreamy, no?

Ok, let me be Frank with you for a minute.
Ok, ok! I'll just be Katie but I'll be honest with you.

Being a girl sucks sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I've got me some kickin' Girl Power! goin' on but sometimes it's just crappy. One particular time that tends to repeat itself every so often.

Everyone has a name for it:

Aunt Flo
Riding the cotton pony
Wearing red shoes
Closed for Maintenance
She Who Must Not Be Named

The list could go on and on. And on.

I don't think many men read my blog so I'm just going to guess that you women understand where I'm coming from here. It's a pain (literally... and especially if you are lucky enough to have endometriosis, like I do) and not often welcomed.

I don't know why I can't run when I'm "Tuning into the Moon," but I can't. My bed and chocolate are much more welcoming than thinking about jolting around my womanly parts.

However, waiting that many days between runs is not a good idea--so hard to get going again!

I'm guessing that running through your period might be like running through back or neck pain--you'll be better off if you just do it. Push through it--get those endorphins flowing!

'Til we meet again, Ms. Beatrix... next time you is gonna pay for what you done!

P.S. I do have to get the ball rolling again so I can be ready for a nice jaunt on Thanksgiving. Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. You and me both girl. On top of all that was this dang dental surgery. Ugh!!! No fun. I haven't missed except for today, although not near my best time and distances have been shortened. I have seriously CRASHED on the food indulgence. All day long I just crave not like normal. It's sick. Can this week be over?
