Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{oh, where?}

Where'd you go?
Yah, you... the one who writes this blog.

Oh, th-that's me....?


I don't know why but the last few times I've checked my blog list, I come to this one and think, "Why haven't they posted anything lately?" before I realize that this is MY blog, and I'm -sadly- the only one that posts on it. Durrrr... Ok, Steve.

So here I am.

Guess what happened while I was gone?

I turned 29.


Well, no.. not yikes. I'm actually excited. I've looked forward to the big 3-0 since I was about 24 or 25. I don't know why, other than I'm weird and that's what I do.

So now that I'm the big 2-9, and I only have a little less than 365 days 'til the big 3-0, it's hitting home. I had several "By the time I'm 30..." goals thought up, one of those being that I would be fit and healthy (which used to mean "skinny" but not so much anymore).

I had so many years to work on that goal and I didn't.. I let them glide by with a few glances towards being more healthy but I never got serious about it.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it...

the time will pass anyway." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Well, in December 2010 I got serious about it. I got sick and tired of feeling like a skinny girl stuck in a fat suit. Does that make sense? My whole life I've felt like I was not really living it, like it was just some horrible dream and I was going to wake up any minute.

Well, I woke up alright... snapped out of it and realized that I've only got one life to live and if I'm going to start living it I've got to work my butt off (literally).

I gave up soda on December 31, 2010 at 11:55pm. Literally have not had A. DROP. since.

Perdy cool, eh? Feels great!
(My handsome hubby spontaneously decided to give it up with me--still going strong!)
For my birthday I had a watermelon for my birthday cake, candles and all. The majority of my gifts were fitness-related.
Three days after my birthday I ran my first 10K with my good friend. We run 5-6 miles once a week together--it feels great.

I feel more alive than I ever have before.

Do I still mess up? You betcha.

But no longer do I allow that to become an excuse to fall off the wagon completely. I'm in this thing for good, baby, and I'm loving it.



(PS My new goal is to lose 25 lbs and run a half-marathon by 30.

On your mark....

Get set...
